Lauri Sipilä
Senior Partner
At Pro-Source Lauri’s work consists of executive, managerial and expert searches in various industries. Previously Lauri has been consultant for competitive strategies and CEO in MARK Suomen Markkinointiliitto. Lauri has a broad experience in marketing industry, i.e. (McCann, DDB, Publicis, Bates) and marketing coaching, consulting and research. Lauri is member of Pro-Source Oy’s board.
Lauri has written “Käytännön markkinointi. Nyt.” (Infor, 2008) and “Mielipidejohtaja” (in collaboration with a colleague), Talentum 2014).
Pro-Source professionals

Markku Kaijala
Senior Partner

Antti Leimu
Head of Executive Search

Petteri Mattinen
Senior Consultant

Arto Lehtimäki
Senior Consultant

Saku Serpola
Senior Consultant

Marita Lehikoinen
Senior Coach

Antti Porko
Senior Advisor

Sakari Sivonen
Head Of Research

Johanna Virtanen

Heli Lehti
Marketing and Sales Consultant, Researcher