An organizations functionality is tested every time it faces changes. The change can concern, for example, business environment, human capital, or team structures.

In such situations, it is important to make sure that all personnel have the best possible capabilities to work towards common goals. Our training helps to operate both at these turning points and in a constant state of change.

Effectively working together, the members of the management team are the enablers of the company’s competitiveness.

Our public references:

Luxid Group – Management team coaching

St1 Lähienergia Oy – Management team coaching

The key questions in bringing the management team together and developing group dynamics are:

  • How to develop the management team’s work as a team?
  • How to strengthen the role of individual members and develop their strengths even better?
  • How to deepen the group dynamics of the management team as a real team?

Our training helps our customers:

  • How good leadership is built and to recognize one’s strengths and development areas.
  • Our trainings provide concrete means for developing seamless cooperation between leadership and the management team, as well as a clear division of responsibilities.
  • With good management, our customers create faith and energy in their organization, which in turn contribute to achieving results.


The skills of our experts are supported by the following tools and training certificates:

  • Approved board member (Hyväksytty hallituksen jäsen, HHJ)
  • Everything DiSC Workplace®
  • Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®
  • The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™

Ask our experts about management team coaching and change management: